Title: The social effect of Graphic design
- Even though graphics is seen in everyday life its a very passive form of design so does it have social effect?
- Many people engage with design everyday and is applied to most paper based sources in masses, yet graffiti is becoming the art form of this bombarding society with a message.
- The angel of the north os a piece of fine art as is graffiti yet why is one seen to be more acceptable than another?
- We see the uses of graphic design everyday and often recieve things such as mailouts underground maps etc for free yet a free art gallery is going to be something of the past does this mean fine art is considered more value and why is this?
- Is graphic design considered as a 'waste' art form due to its paper based form in most cases the design is ignored and the fact wasted paper is more of an issue.
Berger, J. (1972) Ways of seeing. Harmondsworth, Penguin.
Ferrell, J. (1993) crimes of style: urban graffiti and the politics of criminality. New York Garland
Stuhr, P ( 1994) Multicultural art education and social reconstruction. National Art Education Association http://www.jstor.org/pss/1320218 (13/02/11)
Newark, Q. (2002) What is Graphic Design. Switzerland, RotoVision
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