Monday 28 March 2011

Task 6- Theory into practice

Im looking at surveillance the panopticon and Foucault within Graphic design there are many social communications factors as a designer you center your work around the audience and therefore can typically stereotype a lot of the time we make things obvious and direct in most situations something that doesn't need to much effort to depict the meaning. This can include stereotypes such as class age gender groups.  Looking at in which ways I control my design to specific stereotypes I have homed in on I am looking at this piece of design which I created this year for Greggs rebrand. My target audience was work orientated 25-35 yr olds I was aiming to make greggs alot more classy rather than cheap greasy take-out I chose the mocha and brown as they related to posh coffees and clean cut got away from grease proof papers and brown parcel wrapping. I took the imagery on doillies as they are very old fashioned boutique like which would also apply to the older age range as I also had the issue of not out casting customers they had already.

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